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Octopus (December 2017)

Title Git Issue Description
Upgrade SBT (Scala/Java build tool) to 0.13.16 and Scala to 2.11.12 302 See title
Support 2 private key values for authentication 304 The CM-Well TR production environment now supports both legacy and new JWT authentication keys. Both keys are tested for during authentication.
Improve authorization cache 319 The authorization module occasionally produced false 403 errors. Authorization data is now stored in a simple in-memory map, and other improvements to robustness were made. There is no change to authorization APIs.
DC-Sync only for current data is now possible 323 The DC-Sync feature enables synchronization of data across data centers. Adding "with-history": false to the DC-Sync configuration JSON causes the replication to apply only to current versions of all infotons, while historical versions are ignored.
Changes to SPARQL Trigger Processor configuration N/A Use X-CM-WELL-TOKEN header for authentication; configuration file path changed; start/stop flag no longer created automatically. See Using the SPARQL Trigger Processor for more details.
Bug fix: Enable running ws/console code from the SBT console 308 Previously there was a bug when trying to run ws/console code in Scala REPL mode. The related bug in configuration files was fixed.
Bug fix: Bug invoking a CM-Well host without the schema 315 Previously if you tried invoking a CM-Well host without the schema (e.g. "localhost:9000" rather than "http://localhost:9000"), this caused an exception. Now fixed.

Changes to API

Changes to SPARQL Trigger Processor configuration. See Using the SPARQL Trigger Processor for more details.