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Hydra (June 2017)

Change Summary

Title Description
yg-chunk-size parameter You can now add a yg-chunk-size parameter to a yg query (that searches for inbound links to a given set of paths).The yg-chunk-size value determines how many infoton paths (that resulted from the query preceding the yg query) will be processed at a time in a single yg query. This prevents heavy yg queries from "starving" other operations. The default value for yg-chunk-size is 10. See yg: Traversing Inbound and Outbound Links to learn more.
SPARQL Trigger Processor Agent The SPARQL Trigger Processor runs SPARQL queries and constructs for the purposes of creating materialized views of CM-Well infotons. Previously, the SPARQL Trigger Processor could only be run as an external utility. Now it has an agent inside CM-Well, and its jobs are run as an integral part of CM-Well. See Using the SPARQL Trigger Processor to learn more.
Processing metrics added to bg process Various processing metrics have been added to the CM-Well bg (background) process, such as numbers and types of requests, duplicate requests and so on. Among other things, this enables analysis and suggestions for optimization of user workflows.
Log message cleanup CM-Well log messages were reviewed and edited for clarity, conciseness and informativeness.

Changes to API

New yg-chunk-size parameter may be added to yg (inbound link) queries.