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Mono (November 2017)

New gqp query flag | N/A | The new gqp flag has the same syntax as yg, but only filters the original result set rather than adding inbound/outbound links to it. See Traversing Outbound and Inbound Links (xg, yg and gqp) to learn more. Play 2.6 | 167 | Upgraded to Play version 2.6 Prevent deletion/purge of Root infoton | 193 | Do not allow any form of deletion or purge of the infoton that encapsulates the user information for the root user. Improvements to consumer | Several | Fixed several bugs that would occur in edge cases. Bug Fix | 233 | Improve Authorization Cache mechanism to prevent erroneous 403 errors. Bug Fix | 245 | After installing a new Elastic Search version, all ES statuses showed as RED, although all ES services were up and running.

Changes to API

New gqp flag. See Traversing Outbound and Inbound Links (xg, yg and gqp) to learn more.