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Calling CM-Well with Curl

The CM-Well API uses the REST protocol, which runs over HTTP. When running a REST GET command (one that retrieves or searches for infotons), you can simply paste the query into a browser address bar, press enter and see the query results in the browser window.

However, PUT, POST and DELETE commands (which update CM-Well's data) cannot be submitted in a browser. There are several ways that you can submit such calls:

  • From your own application, using a 3rd-party library that supports REST calls.
  • Using an online utility such as REST Test.
  • Using a client application such as Postman.
  • Using a command-line utility such as Curl.

Curl is a commonly-used utility for submitting REST requests. All the code examples that appear in CM-Well documentation use the Curl utility.

Here is an example of a call to CM-Well, which uploads a file infoton, using Curl:

curl -X POST <cm-well-host>/example/files/f1.png -H "X-CM-WELL-TYPE: FILE" -H "Content-Type: image/png" --data-binary @image.file.png

You can learn more about Curl from online resources such as Using curl to automate HTTP jobs.

Downloading Curl

You can download Curl from several sites, for example: Curl Releases and Downloads. Choose the package for your operating system (note that curl is already installed on Macs)

Curl on Windows vs. Unix

If you're running Curl in a command-line window, you should be aware of some syntactical differences between the Windows and Unix command-lines:

  • The line-continuation character in Unix is '\', while in Windows it's '^'. When entering multi-line commands, remember to use the correct character for your OS.
  • Unix supports single quotes as string delimiters ('string'), while Windows requires double-quotes ("string"). This can cause problems when using the JSON format, as cURL statements use single quotes to specify JSON data.


You can avoid many syntax errors arising from these differences by providing the data for the Curl command in a file rather than on the command line. Many code examples in this documentation use files as input.

You can learn more at Using cURL in Windows.