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Track Updates


By default, when you send an update request to CM-Well, it queues the request for processing and returns immediately, providing a response code that indicates the validity of the request. There are two ways to determine the processing status of the request:

  1. Use the blocking flag to cause the update request to be synchronous.
  2. Use the tracking flag to receive a tracking ID for the request, and poll for the processing status using this ID.

Here is an example of a call that uses the tracking flag:

<cm-well-host>/_in?format=ntriples&tracking ...

If the request is valid, it returns an HTTP response code of 200 and a X-CM-WELL-TRACKING header, whose value is a unique ID for the request. You can use the tracking ID to call the _track API and poll for the status of your update request. The response to a _track call contains status values for each infoton you're attempting to update.

The following table describes the status values you can receive for an updated infoton:

Value Description
InProgress The request is still being processed.
Done The request was completed successfully.
Failed The request failed.
Evicted(\<previous and current UUIDs>) You requested a conditional update, which was denied due to a conflict.


URL: <CMWellHost>/_track/<Tracking ID>

REST verb: GET

Mandatory parameters:


curl -X GET <cm-well-host>/_track/<Tracking ID>

URL example: <cm-well-host>/_track/SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ

Curl example (REST API):

curl -X GET "<cm-well-host>/_track/SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ"

Code Example


curl -X GET "<cm-well-host>/_track/SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ"


<> <cmwell://meta/nn#trackingStatus> "Done" .
    <> <cmwell://meta/nn#trackingStatus> "In Progress" .
    <> <cmwell://meta/nn#trackingStatus> "Failed" .
    <> <cmwell://meta/nn#trackingStatus> "Evicted(expected:8029b2df973dd216375a7c5a7761a2be,actual:c94bf0de57f83874a6bb5983bdef4b8d)" .
    <> <cmwell://meta/nn#trackingStatus> "Done" .


  • If the request produces any kind of error that prevents it from being processed (for example, 40x or 50x errors) the X-CM-WELL-TRACKING header is not returned.
  • Tracking IDs are valid for 15 minutes after the related request was completed. If you call the _track API with an invalid or obsolete ID, you will get the HTTP 410 (Gone) error.

Using the blocking Flag