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Unsubscribe from Updates


If you have subscribed for real-time updates via pushed or pulled data, you can unsubscribe if you no longer need these updates.

The call to unsubscribe is the same, regardless of whether you have requested pushed or pulled data.


URL: <CMWellHost>

REST verb: GET

Mandatory parameters: op=unsubscribe&sub=<subscriptionToken>


curl -X GET <cm-well-host>/<cm-well-path>?op=unsubscribe&sub=<subscriptionToken>

URL example:


Curl example (REST API):

curl -X GET "<cm-well-host>/"

Special Parameters

Parameter Description       Example
sub The token you received from the subscription call sub=YWtrYS50Y3A6Ly9jbS13ZWxsLXByb2RAMTAuMjA0LjczLjE2ODo1NjA2MS91c2VyLzNkMDZjZWE1

Code Example


curl -X GET "<cm-well-host>/"


The call returns a subscription token:

unsubscribe YWtrYS50Y3A6Ly9jbS13ZWxsLXByb2RAMTAuMjA0LjczLjE2ODo1NjA2MS91c2VyLzNkMDZjZWE1

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