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_kafka API


The _kafka API allows you to consume a copy of a CM-Well Kafka queue, which contains messages produced by ingest requests. You may want to use this API for some task that involves monitoring, replicating or testing CM-Well's operations on ingestion requests. (For example, the _kafka API is used internally to support the Data Consistency Crawler feature, which allows CM-Well to test each ingested infoton for data consistency.)

CM-Well maintains and consumes 4 Kafka topics (named queues):

  • persist_topic - each message represents an infoton to be written to Cassandra storage.
  • persist_topic.priority - same as above, for a request sent with high priority.
  • index_topic - each message represents an infoton to be indexed in Elastic Search.
  • index_topic.priority - same as above, for a request sent with high priority.

Each request to ingest an infoton produces two messages, one that enters one of the persist queues, and one that enters one of the index queues.

Each queue can be distributed among several partitions. A partition is a portion of the queue maintained on a specific CM-Well node.

When you use the _kafka API, in the URL you refer to the specific topic name and partition number you want to consume.

Kafka Message Formats

Each message returned via the _kafka API is in a separate line.

When you consume the messages from the 4 Kafka topics described, CM-Well automatically deserializes them into JSON-formatted strings.


Currently only the 4 topics mentioned above are available for consumption. In the future, you'll be able to consume a queue populated with issues detected by the Data Consistency Crawler.)

If you are consuming a different topic, and you know that its messages are also strings, you can specify the format=text parameter value to cause its messages to be deserialized as strings. Otherwise, each message is returned as comma-separated byte values (e.g. 72,101,108,108,111,32,87,111,114,108,100...).


URL: <cm-well-host>/_kafka/<topicName>/<partitionNumber>

REST verb: GET

Mandatory parameters: None.


curl -X GET "<cm-well-host>/_kafka/<topicName>/<partitionNumber>" -H X-CM-Well-Token:<admin-token>

URL example: <cm-well-host>/_kafka/persist_topic/0?format=text

Curl example (REST API):

curl -X GET "<cm-well-host>/_kafka/persist_topic/0?format=text" -H X-CM-Well-Token:<admin-token>


Parameter Description Values
offset Optional. Message offset to start from. If not provided, messages will be consumed starting from the beginning of the queue. 0 to (queue size - 1)
max-length Optional. The maximal number of messages to return. If not provided, consumption will continue until the end of the queue. 1 to queue size
format Optional. The only valid value is text; i.e. the parameter must appear as format=text. In this case, each message will be converted into a JSON-formatted string. Otherwise, the message's bytes will be returned as is. text

Code Example


curl "http://<cm-well-host>/_kafka/persist_topic/0?offset=604&max-length=3" -H X-CM-Well-Token:<admin-token>




  • Using the _kafka API to access Cm-Well system queues requires an Admin token.
  • When you use the _kafka API, you don't affect the original CM-Well system queue, rather you consume a copy of that queue.