Get Single Infoton by URI¶
If you have an infoton's CM-Well URI (the path in CM-Well pointing to the infoton), you can perform a simple GET command to retrieve all of the infoton's field names and values.
URL: Infoton's URI.
REST verb: GET
Mandatory parameters: N/A
URL example:
Curl example (REST API):
Curl -X GET <cm-well-host>/
Code Example¶
@prefix nn:<cm-well-host/meta/nn#> . @prefix mdaas: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . @prefix sys: <cm-well-host/meta/sys#> . @prefix o: <> . o:1-5050986961 a mdaas:Organization ; sys:dataCenter "dc1" ; sys:indexTime "1463668800037"^^xsd:long ; sys:lastModified "2016-05-19T14:39:59.335Z"^^xsd:dateTime; sys:parent "/" ; sys:path "/" ; sys:type "ObjectInfoton" ; sys:uuid "5c7293a6d8af048efd38168a5f624fbd" ; mdaas:CommonName "URSUS Medical LLC" ; mdaas:OrganizationProviderTypeCode "1" ; mdaas:equityInstrumentCount "0" ; mdaas:hasRegistrationAuthority o:1-5000007206 ; mdaas:instrumentCount "0" ; mdaas:isIncorporatedIn "United States"@en ; mdaas:isPublicFlag "false" ; mdaas:officialName "URSUS Medical LLC" ; mdaas:organizationFoundedDay "21" ; mdaas:organizationFoundedMonth "4" ; mdaas:organizationFoundedYear "2014" ; mdaas:organizationStatusCode "Active" ; mdaas:organizationSubtypeCode "Company" ; mdaas:organizationTypeCode "Business Organization" ; mdaas:shortName "URSUS Medical" ; mdaas:subsidiariesCount "0" .
- Paste an infoton's URI in a browser's address bar to see an HTML presentation of the infoton's fields.
- Each time an infoton is updated, an additional "historical" version of the infoton is saved, and the infoton's URL will point to the newest version.