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Metadata Fields

In addition to user-defined fields, infotons have fields that are created automatically by CM-Well. The following table summarizes these fields and their types:

Metadata Type Infoton Type Metadata Fields
system All infotons parent - the immediate parent infoton of the given infoton
parent.parent_hierarchy - the entire "ancestor" hierarchy of the given infoton, in ascending order of hierarchy
lastModified - the time the infoton was last modified
path - the infoton's path in CM-Well.
NOTE: The path value does not contain the protocol value (http or https); which is stored in the protocol system field - see below.
uuid - the infoton's unique ID
quad - all labels of the named graphs with which the infoton has an associated statement
dataCenter - the data center where the original version of the infoton was first written
indexTime - the time the infoton was indexed
current - whether the infoton is the current version or a historic version
protocol - the protocol (http or https) provided when the infoton was last ingested. If no protocol value is provided, the default is http. See The Protocol System Field to learn more.
content File infotons data - the file's textual data
length - the data size in bytes
mimeType - the file's Mime type
link Link infotons to - the target infoton linked to
kind - kind of link (0=Permanent, 1=Temporary, 2=Forward)

Here is an example of an infoton with its system fields:

      "type" : "ObjectInfoton",
      "system" : {
        "uuid" : "64aba0e57e2670953024d59f3ecf275a",
        "lastModified" : "2015-03-08T11:11:06.712Z",
        "path" : "/",
        "dataCenter" : "dc1",
        "indexTime" : 1425813066712,
        "parent" : "/"
      "fields" : {
        "IsTradingIn.mdaas" : [ "EUR" ],
        "QuoteExchangeCode.mdaas" : [ "FRA" ],
        "CommonName.mdaas" : [ "UBS NCB PUT 14P" ],
        "IsQuoteOf.mdaas" : [ "" ],
        "type.rdf" : [ "" ],
        "TRCSAssetClass.mdaas" : [ "Traditional Warrants" ],
        "RCSAssetClass.mdaas" : [ "TRAD" ],
        "ExchangeTicker.mdaas" : [ "UA44FB" ],
        "RIC.mdaas" : [ "DEUA44FB.F^L14" ]

Using the qp operator, you can perform search queries in metadata fields as well as in user-defined fields. For example, the following query searches for file infotons whose text body contains the string "configuration":
