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CM-Well Ingester

What is the CM-Well Ingester?

The CM-Well Ingester is a CM-Well utility for uploading infotons to CM-Well in bulk. Using the Ingester, you can upload data from a file, the standard input, or a customized input source. The Ingester processes several upload requests in parallel, up to a configurable limit.

The CM-Well Ingester is written in Scala and is packaged as a jar file (Java library). You can call it from a Java or Scala application, or in a command-line environment.

Downloading and Compiling CM-Well Source Code


  • To access the CM-Well Git site, you will need a GitHub user. See the CM-Well GitHub Repository.
  • To compile and run CM-Well data tools, you will need Java version 8.

To install the Scala Build Tool and download the CM-Well Ingester source code:

  1. Go to and install the Scala Build Tool (SBT) version appropriate for your OS.
  2. Add the Scala sbt command to your PATH variable.
  3. Download the CM-Well Downloader source code from

To build all CM-Well utility executables:

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the CM-Well tools source code. It contains a file called build.sbt.
  2. Run the following command: sbt app/pack.

The resulting shell script executables are created in cmwell-data-tools-app/target/pack/bin folder.

To build only the CM-Well Ingester library:

  1. Navigate to the the cmwell-ingester directory under the tools root directory. It contains a file called build.sbt.
  2. Run the following command: sbt ingester/package.

The resulting cmwell-ingester_2.12-1.0.LOCAL.jar file is created in cmwell-data-tools/cmwell-ingester/target/scala-2.12/.

Running the CM-Well Ingester as an Executable

To run the CM-Well Ingester as a stand-alone executable, run the following command:

cm-well-ingester/target/pack/bin/ingester --host <HOST> --format <FORMAT>

The following table describes the input parameters:

Parameter Description
-b, --backpressure Maximal number of parallel upload requests (default = 100)
-f, --format Format of uploaded data (e.g. ntriples, nquads, jsonld...)
-h, --host CM-Well host name
-p, --port CM-Well HTTP host port (default = 80)
--help Show the usage description
--version Show the version number of this program


  • To display a description of the ingester parameters, run ingester --help.
  • Usually you will not have to change the backpressure value. But this may become advisable if, for example, you're receiving "busy" messages from CM-Well.
  • See Ingesting Each Infoton as an Atomic Operation.

Here is an example of how to run the CM-Well Ingester as a stand-alone executable, while taking the input data from a file:

cmwell-data-tools-app/target/pack/bin/ingester --host "cm-well-ph" --format ntriples --file input_file.nt

Using the CM-Well Ingester Jar

To use the Ingester class, you will need to add the following import statements to your code:

import{IngestFailEvent, IngestSuccessEvent}
    import Implicits._

To ingest data, call the static methods of the class. You can call Ingester.ingest(...), Ingester.fromInputStream(...) or Ingester.fromPipe(...), depending on the input object you prefer.

See the method definitions in cmwell-downloader/src/main/scala/cmwell/tools/data/ingester/Ingester.scala.

Ingesting Each Infoton as an Atomic Operation

Each infoton that you add to CM-Well must be ingested in one atomic operation. To ensure this, you must provide all of the infoton's data, including all field values, in a single line of input, terminated by the \n character.

When calling the Ingester jar, you can use the utility class GroupChunker to group infoton data in a single line, using an infoton separator string that you define.

Running CM-Well Ingester in Scala REPL Mode

You can run CM-Well Ingester in the Scala Interpreter (REPL), so you can examine program internals while running.

To do this, run the following command:

sbt ingester/console

After the console is successfully loaded, the following commands read input from a file and upload it to CM-Well:


  host = "cm-well-ph",
  format = "ntriples",
  in = new FileInputStream("input.nt"))

The following commands do the same with an InputStream source:

val is = new ByteArrayInputStream("ntriples data...".getBytes("utf8"))
  host = "cm-well-ph",
  format = "ntriples",
  in = is)

Remember that each infoton's data must be contained within a single line. For example, if an infoton has multiple lines of ntriples data, the string would look like this:

val data = """
| <> <> "1"^^<> .
| <> <> "2"^^<> .
| <> <> "3"^^<> .

Here is an example of JSON-LD formatted data in a single string:

    val data = """
    {   "@id" : "o:PeterParker",   "dataCenter" : "ph",   "indexTime" : "1447839602260",  
    "lastModified" : "2015-11-18T09:40:01.126Z",   "parent" : "/",  
    "path" : "/",   "type" : "ObjectInfoton",  
     "uuid" : "fae99c4442f0dced28a3e6d50159c7c2",   "neighborOf" : "o:ClarkKent" }

Implementing Custom Input Sources

Instead of providing input from a file or from stdin, you can implement custom input sources (e.g. JDBC, socket...). To do so, you can either use one of the methods to create a new custom source, or use one of the methods already provided by Akka within

For example: the method Source.fromPublisher(Props(classOf[CustomActor[T]]) creates a custom source from an actor publisher. Another option is to use source = StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => in) in order to create an input source from an InputStream, referenced by the in variable.

When implementing a custom input source, it's up to the developer to group together data lines which belong to the same infoton (e.g., group together triples that belong to the same infoton).

The following lines show how you can create an input source from a given file:

val source = StreamConverters.fromInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))
  .via(Framing.delimiter(endl, maximumFrameLength = Int.MaxValue, allowTruncation = true))
  .map(concatByteStrings(_, endl)) // merge lines to a single element

Data chunks are split according to the \n character. Each frame is converted to a UTF-8 encoded string. Lines related to the same infoton must be grouped together in a single string. You can use the class for this purpose. This class's constructor receives a function for grouping the lines. In this case, lines are grouped by having the same subject.