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Change Password


Usually new users are assigned random passwords. After creating a CM-Well user, you may want to change the user's password to a customized value. You can do this with the change-password function.


To change a user's password, you'll need an access token for the user. To obtain an access token, you can call the _login API.


URL: <CMWellHost>/_auth?op=change-password&current=87654321&new=12345678 -H "X-CM-Well-Token:<AccessToken>"

REST verb: GET

Mandatory parameters: Access token in the X-CM-Well-Token header

Special Parameters

Parameter Description
current The user's current password
new The user's new password

Code Example


<CMWellHost>/_auth?op=change-password&current=$2a$10$7AnXsjks.IZXTbpRiAGN4OQItwiz4sgxM49lvTiCjWgOhbbOQkg2m&new=12345678 -H "X-CM-Well-Token:<AccessToken>"



CM-Well Security Features Login API

Managing CM-Well Users

Generate Password API

Invalidate Cache API